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  A Thought to Ponder

Tithing – The Final Frontier

It has been said that the wallet is the “final frontier.”   It is the final area to be conquered – the last thing that comes to God in surrender.  Jesus spoke much about money.  He said that we cannot serve God and mammon ( Matthew 6:24).  “Mammon” was the common Aramaic word for riches, which is related to a Hebrew word signifying “that which is to be trusted.”  In other words, we cannot trust God and money.  Either money is our source of joy, our great love, our sense of security, the supplier of our needs—or God is.

When you open your purse or wallet, give generously and regularly to your local church.  A guide of how much you should give can be found in the “tithe” of the Old Testament: 10 percent of your income.  Whatever amount you give, make sure you give something to the work of God (see Malachi 3:8-11).  Give because you want to, not because you have to.  God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:6,7), so learn to hold your money with a loose hand.

Ask Yourself:

Do I give because it’s expected or because I love God enough to want to do what I can for the Kingdom?

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